On 03/05/2013 15:00, Niels Kristian Schjødt wrote:

I'm running a rails app, where I have a model called Car that has_many Images. 
Now when I tell rails to include those images, when querying say 50 cars, then 
it often decides to use a SELECT * from images WHERE car_id IN 
(id1,id2,id3,id4…) instead of doing a join.

why do you want a join here ? if you don't need any "cars" data there is no need to JOIN that table. Now a select ... from ... where id in (id1, id2, ..., idn) isn't very scalable.

Instead of passing id1, id2, ..., idn you'be better pass the condition and do a where id in (select ... ), or where exists (select 1 ... where ...), or a join, or ...

Now either way it uses the index I have on car_id:

Index Scan using car_id_ix on adverts  (cost=0.47..5665.34 rows=1224 width=234)
        Index Cond: (car_id = ANY 

But it's slow, it's very slow. In this case it took 3,323ms

3ms isn't slow

Can I do anything to optimize that query or maybe the index or something?

your index is already used

The table has 16.000.000 rows

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