
I'm new to PostgreSQL and trying to run this query:

FROM "Log"
LEFT JOIN "NewsArticle" ON "NewsArticle".id = "Log"."targetId" AND
"Log"."targetType" = 'NewsArticle'
ORDER BY "Log"."createdAt" DESC

Basically I'm finding the last 10 log entries, which point (targetType) to
news articles.

The explain analyze is this:

http://d.pr/i/mZhl (I didn't know how to copy from the pgAdmin, without
having a huge mess)

I have this index on Log:

CREATE INDEX "Log_targetId_targetType_idx"
  ON "Log"
  USING btree
  ("targetId", "targetType" COLLATE pg_catalog."default");

I have ran Vacuum and Analyze on both tables.

What am I missing here?

Yours sincerely,
Kai Sellgren

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