On 10/21/2014 12:31 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Please don't top-post on the PostgreSQL lists. See 
> <http://idallen.com/topposting.html>

Oops, sorry.

>Have you tried a) either turning off geqo or setting geqo_threshold fairly 
>high b) setting join_collapse_limit fairly high (assuming 
>all the above join targets are tables and not views, setting it to something 
>like 25 should do the trick.

I did try various combinations of these settings but none yielded any 
significant query run time improvements. 

> You also haven't told us what settings you have for things like 
> effective_cache_size, which can dramatically affect query plans.

effective_cache_size = 4096MB

I tried bumping this up as well but again no significant query run time 

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