> On Mar 15, 2015, at 12:13 PM, Josh Krupka <jkru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It sounds like you've hit the postgres basics, what about some of the linux 
> check list items?
> what does free -m show on your db server?

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         48295      31673      16622          0          5      12670
-/+ buffers/cache:      18997      29298
Swap:        22852       2382      20470

> If the load problem really is being caused by swapping when things really 
> shouldn't be swapping, it could be a matter of adjusting your swappiness - 
> what does cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness show on your server?


We adjusted that too, but no effect.

(I’ve updated the blog post with these two comments)

> There are other linux memory management things that can cause postgres and 
> the server running it to throw fits like THP and zone reclaim.  I don't have 
> enough info about your system to say they are the cause either, but check out 
> the many postings here and other places on the detrimental effect that those 
> settings *can* have.  That would at least give you another angle to 
> investigate.

If there are specific things you’d like to know, I’ve be happy to be a human 
proxy. :)




Robert Kaye     --     r...@musicbrainz.org <mailto:r...@musicbrainz.org>     
--    http://musicbrainz.org <http://musicbrainz.org/>

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