Thanks, very informative! I'll experiment with work_mem settings and report

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:

> Mike Broers <> writes:
> > I had a query that was filtering with a wildcard search of a text field
> for
> > %SUCCESS%. The query took about 5 seconds and was running often so I
> wanted
> > to improve it.  I suggested that the engineers include a new boolean
> column
> > for successful status.  They implemented the requested field, but the
> query
> > that filters on that new column runs very long (i kill it after letting
> it
> > run for about an hour).  Can someone help me understand why that is the
> > case and how to resolve it?
> It's hashing the subplan output in the first case and not the second:
> > Seq Scan on lead  (cost=130951.81..158059.21 rows=139957 width=369)
> (actual
> > time=4699.619..4699.869 rows=1 loops=1)
> >     Filter: ((NOT (hashed SubPlan 1)) AND (("ReferenceNumber")::text <>
> > ''::text) AND ((NOT (hashed SubPlan 2)) OR (NOT (hashed SubPlan 3))))
>                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> vs
> >   Seq Scan on lead  (cost=85775.78..9005687281.12 rows=139957 width=369)
> >     Filter: ((NOT (hashed SubPlan 1)) AND (("ReferenceNumber")::text <>
> > ''::text) AND ((NOT (hashed SubPlan 2)) OR (NOT (SubPlan 3))))
>                                                    ^^^^^^^^^
> Presumably, the new more-accurate rows count causes the planner to realize
> that the hash table will exceed work_mem so it doesn't choose to hash ...
> but for your situation, you'd rather it did, because what you're getting
> instead is a Materialize node that spills to disk (again, because the data
> involved exceeds work_mem) and that's a killer for this query.  You should
> be able to get back the old behavior if you raise work_mem enough.
> Another idea you might think about is changing the OR'd IN conditions
> to a single IN over a UNION ALL of the subselects.  I'm not really sure if
> that would produce a better plan, but it's worth trying if it wouldn't
> require too much app-side contortion.
>                         regards, tom lane

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