From: Greg Spiegelberg  Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 7:50 PM
… Over the weekend, I created 8M tables with 16M indexes on those tables. 

… A system or database crash could take potentially hours to days to recover.  
There are likely other issues ahead.


You may wonder, "why is Greg attempting such a thing?"  I looked at DynamoDB, 
BigTable, and Cassandra.  I like Greenplum but, let's face it, it's antiquated 
and don't get me started on "Hadoop".  Problem with the "one big table" 
solution is I anticipate 1,200 trillion records.  Random access is expected and 
the customer expects <30ms reads for a single record fetch.


I'm not looking for alternatives yet but input to my test.



Holy guacamole, batman!  Ok, here’s my take:  you’ve traded the 
risks/limitations of the known for the risks of the unknown.  The unknown 
being, in the numerous places where postgres historical development may have 
cut corners, you may be the first to exercise those corners and flame out like 
the recent SpaceX rocket.


Put it another way – you’re going to bet your career (perhaps) or a client’s 
future on an architectural model that just doesn’t seem feasible.  I think 
you’ve got a remarkable design problem to solve, and am glad you’ve chosen to 
share that problem with us.


And I do think it will boil down to this: it’s not that you CAN do it on 
Postgres (which you clearly can), but once in production, assuming things are 
actually stable, how will you handle the data management aspects like 
inevitable breakage, data integrity issues, backups, restores, user contention 
for resources, fault tolerance and disaster recovery.  Just listing the tables 
will take forever.  Add a column?  Never.  I do think the amount of testing 
you’ll need to do prove that every normal data management function still works 
at that table count…that in itself is going to be not a lot of fun.


This one hurts my head.  Ironically, the most logical destination for this type 
of data may actually be Hadoop – auto-scale, auto-shard, fault tolerant, 
etc…and I’m not a Hadoopie.


I am looking forward to hearing how this all plays out, it will be quite an 
adventure!  All the best,


Mike Sofen (Synthetic Genomics…on Postgres 9.5x)

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