On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 12:04:13PM -0400, Mark Volpe wrote:

> I have a table with a trigger that can potentially modify a row before it gets
> inserted or updated:


> I have another table that tracks changes in the first table with rules:

AFAIK, rules get rewritten first, before triggers are invoked,
so your rules are getting the values before your trigger changes them.

> The t1_log table doesn't show what was actually inserted into t1!
> Are there any changes I can make to the logic above so that t1_log can
> show the correct value?

Either somehow rewrite your trigger as a rule, or stick another
trigger to change the value before getting into your log table.
You might be able to reuse your trigger function, I think, just
point the trigger to that function. A bit inefficient, since it
gets called twice.

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