> Hi,
> Consider the following tables/fields:
> table "person": fields "p_id", "p_name".
> table "person_attribute": fields "a_id", "a_name".
> table "person_data": fields "d_person_id", "d_attribute_id",
> "d_value".
> Also consider that a person may not have data related to all possible
> attributes.
> Using this structure, how could I retrieve in one row with a single
> select statement all attributes from a person (showing null to
> attributes that were not registered to him)?
> Thanks for any suggestion,
> --
> Renato
> Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil

I did similar things using the following technique:
in frontend I gather all attributes from person_attribute and then
generate a query like this:

select *, (select distinct d_value from person_data where d_person_id =
person.p_id and 
d_attribute_id = 'here first attribute id'), (select distinct d_value
from person_data where d_person_id = person.p_id and d_attribute_id =
'here second attribute id'), ... from person

Sincerely yours,

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