On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Hiroshi Inoue wrote:

> Hmm,Andreas's original function seems to contain other statements.
> If the function contains DML statements for the table Temp_Num_Table,
> it wouldn't work properly. i.e 1st call would work but 2nd call woudn't.
That's the problem.  I'm in the process of porting a set of about
30 Stroed Procedures from MS-SQL server to PostgreSQL and have
just managed only 3 :-( because of some "This is not possible with

To make clear what I want to do, I just copy the original stored
procedure, which might be not so clever so that it would be possible
to go without the table creation:

CREATE Procedure TilleA.pHelpCountNames
( @Arbeitsgruppeshort varchar(255) ,
  @Condition          varchar(255) 
/* Count names in table Mitarbeiter which belong to the group
   Arbeitsgruppeshort and match the condition @Condition
  Declare @Query varchar(1024)
  Declare @num int
  Select  @num = 0
  if @ArbeitsgruppeShort is NULL or @ArbeitsGruppeShort = '' begin
    Select @ArbeitsgruppeShort = ''
  end else begin
    Select @ArbeitsgruppeShort = ' AND a.ArbeitsgruppeShort = ' + '''' + 
@ArbeitsgruppeShort + ''''

  Create Table #NumTable
        Num integer
  Select @Query = 
         'Insert Into #NumTable (Num) ' +
         'SELECT Count (*) ' +
         'FROM Mitarbeiter m ' +
         'INNER JOIN tm2nMitarbeiterArbeitsgruppe t ON m.IdMitarbeiter   = 
t.IdMitarbeiter ' +
         'INNER JOIN Arbeitsgruppe a                ON t.IdArbeitsgruppe = 
a.IdArbeitsgruppe ' +
         'WHERE ' + @Condition + @ArbeitsgruppeShort
  Exec (@Query)

  Select @num=(Select Max(Num) From #NumTable)

  Drop Table #NumTable
  return @num

May be there are some clever ways to avoid the temporary table.
I really wonder if my solution is in fact very clever because I'm unsure
if it is thread-safe.

Any hints?

Kind regards


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