I need to do something like this:

(SELECT p.contact_seq AS contact_seq, p.lastname||', '||p.firstname AS name 
FROM person p
 SELECT co.name AS name FROM company co) n;

Of course there's more; this is cut from the original select.
But PostgreSQL complains about SELECT (i guess it's the SELECT in the 
In the dox I read:

A FROM item can also be a parenthesized sub-SELECT (note that an alias clause 
is required for a sub-SELECT!). This is an extremely handy feature since it's 
the only way to get multiple levels of grouping, aggregation, or sorting in a 
single query. 

Is this a 7.1 feature? Or is my typing wrong?
And will 7.1 support unions in subselects like above?

Kaare Rasmussen            --Linux, spil,--        Tlf:        3816 2582
Kaki Data                tshirts, merchandize      Fax:        3816 2501
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