Christopher Sawtell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 12:46, Glen and Rosanne Eustace wrote:
> [ ... ]

>> template1=# select '31/12/2000'::date + '365 days'::timespan;
>> ?column?
>> ------------------------
>> 2002-01-01 00:00:00+13    <<<<<<<<<<< Wrong
>> (1 row)

> [ ... ]

> I get the same result. This business of crooked dates in NZ summertime
> is frequently because the rest of the world can't  twig on to the notion that
> it is possible to have GMT + 13, and do not take account of it in date/time 
> calculations.

Could one of you try it in 7.1 (beta3 or later)?  We've changed some
details of the way daylight-savings transitions are handled in
date-to-timestamp conversions, so I think this might be fixed now.
It's worth checking anyway.

Also, what do you get from '31/12/2000'::date::timestamp?

                        regards, tom lane

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