Hi All,
 I am trying to define a new set of  tables an I am getting this strange
syntex problem on date, or timestamp data types. I am also getting error on
not null constranit as well... Postgres is behaving strangely....  first
definations with  not null

cmdb=# create table media_received (
cmdb(# comp_id not null,
cmdb(# dept_id not null,
cmdb(# date_rec timestamp default 'now',
cmdb(# units  int4  default 0,
cmdb(# media_type varchar(64),
cmdb(# enqued int4 check (enqued=<units),
cmdb(# encoded int4 check(encoded=<enqued),
cmdb(# insys int4 check(insys=<encoded),
cmdb(# constraint media_rec_pk primary key(comp_id,dept_id,date_rec),
cmdb(# constraint media_dept_fk foreign key(dept_id) references department,
cmdb(# constraint media_comp_fk foreign key(comp_id) references company
cmdb(# );
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "not"

Second definition without not null and data type timestamp,
cmdb=# create table media_received (
cmdb(# comp_id,
cmdb(# dept_id,
cmdb(# date_rec timestamp,
cmdb(# units  int4  default 0,
cmdb(# media_type varchar(64),
cmdb(# enqued int4 check (enqued=<units),
cmdb(# encoded int4 check(encoded=<enqued),
cmdb(# insys int4 check(insys=<encoded),
cmdb(# constraint media_rec_pk primary key(comp_id,dept_id,date_rec),
cmdb(# constraint media_dept_fk foreign key(dept_id) references department,
cmdb(# constraint media_comp_fk foreign key(comp_id) references company
cmdb(# );
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "timestamp"
3rd def with date as data type:
cmdb=# create table media_received (
cmdb(# comp_id,
cmdb(# dept_id,
cmdb(# date_rec date,
cmdb(# units  int4  default 0,
cmdb(# media_type varchar(64),
cmdb(# enqued int4 check (enqued=<units),
cmdb(# encoded int4 check(encoded=<enqued),
cmdb(# insys int4 check(insys=<encoded),
cmdb(# constraint media_rec_pk primary key(comp_id,dept_id,date_rec),
cmdb(# constraint media_dept_fk foreign key(dept_id) references department,
cmdb(# constraint media_comp_fk foreign key(comp_id) references company
cmdb(# );
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "date"

is something wrong with my table definition syntex?
All kind of help is appreciated.
Regards, Najm

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