Please could a kind soul help me with this.
I can't find _any_ - however cryptic - docs about plpgsql.

create function nice_date(date) returns varchar as '
 t alias for $1;
 d text;
 m text;
 y text;
  day := rtrim(to_char(\'t\'::timestamp, \'Day\'));
  month := rtrim(to_char(\'t\'::timestamp, \'DD Month\'));
  year := rtrim(to_char(\'t\'::timestamp, \'YYYY\' ));
  nd := d || m || y;
 return nd;
end;' language 'plpgsql';

It seems to load ok, but on exection I get this message.

chris=# select nice_date(date('today'));
NOTICE:  plpgsql: ERROR during compile of nice_date near line 12
ERROR:  parse error at or near "return" 

Please, what am I doing wrong?

Sincerely etc.,

 NAME       Christopher Sawtell
 CELL PHONE 021 257 4451
 ICQ UIN    45863470
 EMAIL      csawtell @ xtra . co . nz

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