Justin Clift wrote:
> Hi Clayton,
> Was it opening a new connection to the database every time, or did it
> open one connection each time and pump multiple queries through it?
> It would be a good things to develop your script and benchmark this both
> ways.  Could become a useful tool for sizing both of these databases.
> Out of curiosity do you have access to other databases such as
> Interbase, Oracle, DB2, Informix, and so forth?  The more it can connect
> to, the better people will be able to understand each one's strengths
> and weaknesses, in terms of Perl's DB access.
> Regards and best wishes,
> Justin Clift

ok i looked over the script and the connections are opened before for
loops and shuit down after for loops

i dont have access to any other db's

but another person on the modperl list said he would be try oracle

check out that thread its been going since monday?
perl.apache.org click through maillists and use mailarchive.com
search for 'fast db access'
thats the thread!!

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