On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 06:40, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Richard,
> > Poked around and had a think and can't come up with anything better
> > than
> > Stephan Szabo's suggestion of hacking PG's built-in function. You'll
> > want
> > to_timestamp() which is called from to_date and it's in
> > src/backend/utils/adt/formatting.c - AFAICT you'll just need to
> > comment out
> > the elog(...) calls and return a null value (or whatever).
> Not too likely from me ... I don't do C at all!

'Tis a shame. I could teach you C if you want. Get the lessons from the URL 
in the .signature box below.

> I'm one of those
> horrible people who came to SQL & PHP from VB and MS Access rather than
> from a C.S. degree.

Not 'horrible', nobody who has 'seen the light' in any way can be described 
as "horrible". That description is reserved for those folks who revel in 
their intimacy with darkness. ( How you define "darkness" is over to you )

> Heck, my college degree is in sculpture.

No wonder the aesthetic is so important to you.

> > Failing that, what about writing is_valid_date() in pl-tcl/perl?
> > Don't know
> > anything about tcl, but should be easy enough in perl (cut & paste
> > from a
> > suitable module)
> Sounds good.  Anybody on the list I can beg (or pay $50) to write it and
> post it to the list?  I don't know from perl or tcl either (I do SQL,
> PHP, Java and VB).

Well here is how I deal with the problem.

First you have to turn off the error reporting flag in the php.ini 
configuration file. That stops most of the geek-speak rubbish getting out to 
the client.

Now, please find attached the .php files I am using in a project.
I feel that the level of geek-speak in the solution is accepable,
but if it isn't to you or your clients, then you could always replace the 
error message goming out of PostgreSQL to something more understandable to 
the "Common Man / Lay Person" by editing the PostgreSQL source and 
re-compiling it. ( not difficult ) Note that I have the database here 
configured to the European representation of dates and the wording of the 
error messages in the php file reflects this.

Also note that I have forgotton to test for dates being in the past, and that 
it would be better if the error message was delivered in a pop-up html page 
or a JavaScript alert.

Off the top of my head another untested idea for a solution to the problem is 
to do the data verification in JavaScript on the client machine.
There is a JavaScript date.parse() function.

Qualify for the $50 ?

Sincerely etc.,

 NAME       Christopher Sawtell
 CELL PHONE 021 257 4451
 ICQ UIN    45863470
 EMAIL      csawtell @ xtra . co . nz
 CNOTES     ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/C/tutorials/sawtell_C.tar.gz

 -> Please refrain from using HTML or WORD attachments in e-mails to me <-

Title: Record Legitimate Absence

Record Legitimate Absence

Days Weeks Months



Title: Record Legitimate Absence
" . "\n" ; } echo "";
You have selected more than one pupil.
Select the one to record by clicking the name.
If none are correct then click the Another Try link.
NumberName   Date of Birth   \n END_4; for ( $i=0; $i < $number_rows; $i++ ) { $name=pg_Result( $post_absence_result, $i, 'name' ); $number=pg_Result( $post_absence_result, $i, 'number' ); $date_of_birth=pg_Result( $post_absence_result, $i, 'date_of_birth' ); $query="number=$number&leave_date=" . htmlentities(urlencode($leave_date)) . "&return_date=" . htmlentities(urlencode($return_date)); echo "
$number" . "$name$date_of_birth

Another Try

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