Hi all, I've just written my first pl/pgsql function (code included below for 
you to pull apart).

It takes an int4 mid (e.g. 15) and then using a select pulls out the team 
number (e.g. 'NE/012' and a unit number (e.g. 2) and returns the full unit 
number NE/012-02.

I now want to write the reverse function, where I can enter 'NE/012-02' and 
get back the mid 15.  The bit I'm stuck on is now I split the team part from 
the member part so that I can build the select statement.

TIA Gary

CREATE FUNCTION getunitno(int4) RETURNS varchar  AS '
     mid ALIAS FOR $1;
     results RECORD;
    select into results t.tnumber as tnumber, m.mnumber as mnumber
        from teams t, members m
        where t.tid = m.mteam and m.mid = mid;
    if results.mnumber < 10 then
      return results.tnumber || ''-0'' || results.mnumber;
      return results.tnumber || ''-'' || results.mnumber;
    end if;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Gary Stainburn
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