"Josh Berkus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Second, you can't alias a JOINed set of tables;

Actually you can, according to my reading of SQL92:

         <table reference> ::=
                <table name> [ [ AS ] <correlation name>
                    [ <left paren> <derived column list> <right paren> ] ]
              | <derived table> [ AS ] <correlation name>
                    [ <left paren> <derived column list> <right paren> ]
              | <joined table>

         <derived table> ::= <table subquery>

         <table subquery> ::= <subquery>

         <subquery> ::= <left paren> <query expression> <right paren>

         <query expression> ::=
                <non-join query expression>
              | <joined table>

         <joined table> ::=
                <cross join>
              | <qualified join>
              | <left paren> <joined table> <right paren>

         <qualified join> ::=
              <table reference> [ NATURAL ] [ <join type> ] JOIN
                <table reference> [ <join specification> ]

So a parenthesized <qualified join> is a <derived table> and may
be followed by [ AS ] <correlation name>.

7.1 gets this right.  7.0's very preliminary implementation of JOIN
syntax did not.  (It had a number of other bugs too, IIRC.)

The spec's grammar is horribly badly written: it's ambiguous whether the
parentheses should be parsed as part of a second-level <joined table>
which would imply that a correlation name would NOT be accepted.
It took a fair amount of work to derive a grammar that was unambiguous
and still accepted everything...

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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