On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Josh Berkus wrote:

> Each significant data table contains one column, the first column,
> called "usq", for "universal sequence".  This usq field may or may not
> be the primary key for the table, but does have a unique index.  The usq
> is populated by a single sequence "universal_sq" which is shared between
> tables, thus allowing all tables usq uniqueness between them.
> This strategy has allowed me to write a number of functions which are
> table-agnostic, needing only the usq to do their job (such as a function
> that creates modification hisotry).

Josh --

Good example! I'll bet a lot of PG users may have never realized that you
can use the same sequence across several tables.


Joel BURTON  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  joelburton.com  |  aim: wjoelburton
Independent Knowledge Management Consultant

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