I think I got a problem here.
I tried to restore my database from dump.bac file, which was created
pg_dumpall -o > dump.bac
This is what I did:
> createdb replica
> psql -d replica -f dump.bac

Notice that I have two different databases stored in this file.
This is what I got:

You are now connected to database template1.
psql:db_10_22_01.bac:7: ERROR:  CREATE USER: permission denied
psql:db_10_22_01.bac:8: ERROR:  CREATE USER: permission denied
psql:db_10_22_01.bac:9: ERROR:  CREATE USER: permission denied
psql:db_10_22_01.bac:11: ERROR:  pg_aclcheck: invalid user id 503
You are now connected to database template1 as user postgres.
psql:db_10_22_01.bac:18: ERROR:  CREATE DATABASE: database "webspectest"

already exists
You are now connected to database webspectest as user postgres.
You are now connected as new user postgres.
psql:db_10_22_01.bac:48: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create
implicit index 'activitytype_pkey' for table 'activitytype'
psql:db_10_22_01.bac:48: ERROR:  Relation 'activitytype' already exists
psql:db_10_22_01.bac:65: NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create
implicit index 'dcr_pkey' for table 'dcr'

Obviously, no database was created. Moreover, I can not access my
neither of my existing databases anymore.
When I try:
> psql webspectest
I get an error:
psql: FATAL 1: user "olebedev" does not exist

At this point I am completely stuck.
Please help.


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