On 28 Sep 2001, Wei Weng wrote:

> Hi there. I wrote a simple postgresql sql function as follows:
> create function test() returns integer as '
> begin
> fixed_path := translate (''/text'', ''\\'', ''/'');
> raise notice ''fixed_path:'', fixed_path;
> return 1;
> end
> ' language 'plpgsql';
> And when I ran it as 
> pgsql>select test();
> I got:
> NOTICE:  plpgsql: ERROR during compile of test near line 8
> ERROR:  unterminated string starting on line 10
> What is wrong? (something fishy about translate function?) Could anyone
> enlighten me on this?

I think you need to use four backslashes to do the quoting for the
backslash.  Plus you're going to need to declare that variable.

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