On Fri, 05 Oct 2001 17:03:41 METDST
Haller Christoph wrote:

> > 
> > Consider the following table:
> > 
> > A   B       C       D       select?
> > -------------------------------
> > 1   FOO     A1      100     n
> > 1   BAR     Z2      100     n
> > 2   FOO     A1      101     y
> > 2   BAR     Z2      101     y
> > 3   FOO     A1      102     y
> > 4   BAR     Z2      99      y
> > 5   FOO     A1      99      n
> > 6   BAR     Z2      98      n
> > 7   FOO     AB      103     y
> > 7   BAR     ZY      103     y
> > 
> > This table has the idea of "groups", that is, a group is defined as
> > all of the words from B that have the same number A.  The values in
> > column C also matter- we want to select both groups A=7 and A=1 since
> > they contain different values C.  Note that the groups defined by A=1
> > and A=3 are distinct- they do not contain the same number of words
> > from B, so we want to select them both.  Also note that D is datetime,
> > and all the rows with the same number A will have the same D (this is
> > actually ensured by a single row in another table.)
> > 
> > I want to select all of the numbers A which define distinct groups and
> > have the highest datetime D.  Is this possible in a SQL query?
> > 
> Now that I've read your request more attentively, I understand what 
> you want. But I have to admit I have no idea how to word the query, 
> I even don't know if it's possible at all. 
> Regards, Christoph 

 I also haven't satisfactorily understood the mean of the epilogue,
 but I probably think he wanted to account for the following table 
 which is separated into "groups".

A       B       C       D       select?
1       FOO     A1      100     n   
1       BAR     Z2      100     n
2       FOO     A1      101     y
2       BAR     Z2      101     y
5       FOO     A1      99      n
3       FOO     A1      102     y
6       BAR     Z2      98      n
4       BAR     Z2      99      y
7       FOO     AB      103     y
7       BAR     ZY      103     y

for instance:

select u0.A, u0.B, u0.C, u0.D
  from (select t0.*, t1.cnt 
           from (select a, count(*) as cnt
                   from test_table
                   group by a ) as t1
                inner join test_table as t0
                  on(t0.a = t1.a)
        ) as u0
   where not exists (select u1.*
                       from (select t0.*, t1.cnt 
                               from (select a, count(*) as cnt
                                       from test_table
                                       group by a ) as t1
                                    inner join test_table as t0
                                     on(t0.a = t1.a)
                            ) as u1
                       where u1.cnt    = u0.cnt
                             and u1.a != u0.a
                             and u1.d  > u0.d
                             and u1.b  = u0.b
                             and u1.c  = u0.c 

 a |  b  | c  |  d
 2 | BAR | Z2 | 101
 2 | FOO | A1 | 101
 3 | FOO | A1 | 102
 4 | BAR | Z2 |  99
 7 | BAR | ZY | 105
 7 | FOO | AB | 105
(6 rows)

Have a nice weekend!

Masaru Sugawara

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