On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Martin Marques wrote:

> Quoting Stephan Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > > The problemas are two:
> > >
> > > 1) when I try to create the trigger, it says that the function doesn't
> > exist.
> > > Why is this happening?
> >
> > You should probably show us what you were trying to do, but I'm going to
> > guess that the function doesn't have the right signature.  On
> > current versions, Trigger functions should return opaque and take no
> > arguments (any arguments given on the create trigger line are passed
> > in a different fashion).
> I have this function which works OK.
> CREATE FUNCTION ahora (integer) RETURNS integer AS '
> UPDATE usuarios SET tmodif = now()
> WHERE codigo = $1;

Trigger functions have no args and return opaque and I don't think you
can use sql language functions, but I'm not sure.  Something like:

create function ahora_trigger() returns opaque as '
 NEW.tmodif := now();
 return NEW;
language 'plpgsql';

should work as a before update trigger.

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