
I'm doing some massive data transformations on Postgresql, and they're
a lot slower than they should be.   I'm looking for some tips on
improving things.  If the PGSQL-PERFORMANCE list was ever created,
please tell me and I'll go over there.

The update:  A series of 7 update statements which cull data from a 1.5
million row table to update a 120,000 row table.

The Machine:  A dual-processor RAID 5 UW SCSI server.

The postgresql.conf settings:
Connections: 128
Shared Buffers: 256
Sort Mem: 1024
Checkpoint Segments: 16
Stats on.
Light debug logging.

The problem: The update series (done as a function) takes 10-15
minutes.  During this time, the CPU is never more than 31% busy, only
256mb of 512 is in use, and the disk channel is only 25% - 50%
saturated.    As such, is seems like we could run things faster.

What does everybody suggest tweaking?

-Josh Berkus

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