This may or may not be original, but I cobbled it together and thought it might be useful: a query that reports how much space is used by each table in your database, including TOAST and TOAST-IDX tables.
This particular version is a bit fancy because it shows the top 20 by space, followed by a row for "All Others". You could eliminate the half starting with 'union', and take out the 'limit 20' clause if you wanted to see them all. select "Table", "KRows", "MB" from (select 1 as sort_order, * from (select min(relname) as "Table", to_char(max(reltuples)/1000,'9990.9') as "KRows", sum(relpages)/128 as "MB" from ( select relname, '', reltuples, relpages from pg_class where relkind = 'r' union all select a.relname, b.relname, 0, b.relpages from pg_class a join pg_class b on (b.relname like 'pg_toast_' || a.relfilenode || '%') where a.relkind = 'r' ) as pg_class group by relname order by sum(relpages) desc limit 20) as top_20 union select 2, 'All Others', to_char(sum("KRows"),'9990.9'), sum("MB") from ( select min(relname) as "Table", sum(reltuples)/1000 as "KRows", sum(relpages)/128 as "MB" from ( select relname, '', reltuples, relpages from pg_class where relkind = 'r' union all select a.relname, b.relname, 0, b.relpages from pg_class a join pg_class b on (b.relname like 'pg_toast_' || a.relfilenode || '%') where a.relkind = 'r' ) as pg_class group by relname order by sum(relpages) desc offset 20) as "Others") as rows order by sort_order, "MB" desc -- Jeff Boes vox 269.226.9550 ext 24 Database Engineer fax 269.349.9076 Nexcerpt, Inc. ...Nexcerpt... Extend your Expertise ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]