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View One Recipe
Home -> Postgres -> CookBook Home -> View One Recipe Submitted on: 03-16-2001
mimic oracle's replace function. versions in pltcl and plpgsql.


-- by Jonathan Ellis ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
-- licensed under the GPL
-- emailing me improvements is appreciated but not required

-- args: string substring replacement_substring
create function replace (varchar, varchar, varchar) returns varchar as '
    -- escape out characters that regsub would treat as special
    regsub -all {&} "$3" {\\\&} 3
    regsub -all {\\[0-9]} "$3" {\\\0} 3
    eval "regsub -all \{$2\} \{$1\} \{$3\} rval"
    return $rval
' language 'pltcl';

-- plpgsql version so we don't have to jump through hoops to call it from other 
create function replace (varchar, varchar, varchar) returns varchar as '
    string alias for $1;
    sub alias for $2;
    replacement alias for $3;
    -- xxxxxxxxxxx[MATCH]xxxxxxxxxxxx
    --           | end_before
    --                   | start_after
    match integer;
    end_before integer;
    start_after integer;
    string_replaced varchar;
    string_remainder varchar;
    string_remainder := string;
    string_replaced := '''';
    match := position(sub in string_remainder);

    while match > 0 loop
        end_before := match - 1;
        start_after := match + length(sub);
        string_replaced := string_replaced || substr(string_remainder, 1, end_b
efore) || replacement;
        string_remainder := substr(string_remainder, start_after);
        match := position(sub in string_remainder);
    end loop;
    string_replaced := string_replaced || string_remainder;

    return string_replaced;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

On Thursday 12 December 2002 10:04 pm, Andy Morrow wrote:
> Hi
> im trying to execute an update command on a postgresql DB table using
> pgAdmin II
> im using the following statement
> UPDATE commandlist SET command = REPLACE (command,'A','B')
> commandlist is the table name
> command is the column
> and i want to change the value A to B
> but it's giving me the following error message
> an error has occured in pgAdmin II:frmSQLInput.cmdExecute_Click:
> Number: -2147467259
> Description: Error while executing the query;
> ERROR: Function'replace(varchar, unknown, unknown)' does not exist
> Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
> You may need to add explicit typecasts
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