I found that Postgres isn't behaving like I thought when using a unique index in
combination with NULL-values...
Is this a bug or specified in the SQL-standard? If its a bug, is it fixed in a
recent version? We are using 7.2.3

This is the results I got:

intranet=# create table foo (a varchar(10), b varchar(10));
intranet=# create unique index foo_idx on foo using btree(a, b);
intranet=# insert into "foo" (a, b) values ('apa', 'banan');
INSERT 26229704 1
intranet=# insert into "foo" (a, b) values ('apa', 'banan');
ERROR:  Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index foo_idx
intranet=# insert into "foo" (a, b) values ('apa', null);
INSERT 26229706 1
intranet=# insert into "foo" (a, b) values ('apa', null);
INSERT 26229707 1

And another completely unrelated question... I have got a table with a composite
index on A andBb and an index on A
which I query with something like this:

SELECT * FROM "table"
WHERE (a = 1 OR a = 2 OR a = 3) AND b > 1232132 AND b < 123123123213123

Postgres then chooses to use the index for A three times, which is really slow
on my table...
Then I rewrote the query like:

SELECT * FROM "table"
WHERE a = 1 AND b > 1232132 AND b < 123123123213123
WHERE a = 2 AND b > 1232132 AND b < 123123123213123
WHERE a = 3 AND b > 1232132 AND b < 123123123213123

Postgres then behaved better and choosed the composite index in all three cases
resulting in a very large improvement...
Why is this, and has it been improved in more recent versions?

Thanks in advance,
Jimmy Mäkelä

Jimmy Mäkelä
Nybrogatan 55, Box 55708
114 83 Stockholm
Direkt: 08-527 90 457
Mobil: 073-623 05 51
Jag tycker att du borde anlita en agent.
Gå till: www.agent25.se

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