Guy Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If you go through the documentation you can also find out how to CREATE your 
> own data TYPE to allow more direct use of non-PostgreSQL data types. Here is 
> an example that will allow input of any "datetime" data into PostgreSQL :

> CREATE TYPE datetime AS (datetime timestamptz);

I think what you probably really want is

  CREATE DOMAIN datetime AS timestamptz;

or more SQL-spec-compliantly

  CREATE DOMAIN datetime AS timestamp with time zone;

which essentially makes datetime a direct alias for timestamptz.  The
CREATE TYPE approach makes a rowtype containing one timestamptz column,
which isn't really going to act the way you want --- for one thing,
none of the predefined functions and operators for type timestamptz
will accept it.  With the DOMAIN approach, they will.

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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