dear ali,

something like

select machine,date_part('day' , date) , sum(withdrawals) from 
Table where date_part('month' , date)='month in question' group by
machine,date_part('day' , date) ;

will give you agrregated withdrawals by machine and day,
use the frontend language  for formatting it.

note that it will not display the days for which there
has been no withdrawls. If u need to report them also 0
then create a table that holds 1 year of dates and 
left or right join the output of first query with it.
exact query is not being provided , its just an idea.


On Friday 04 Apr 2003 4:40 pm, Ali Adams wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am new to Relational Databases and SQL and my background in ODBs is
> clouding my way to solving what seems to be a simple problem. I am sure
> many of you have met it many times.
> OK, I have a table as follows:
> ID Machine   Date             Withdrawals
> 1  1              01/01/2003    1101
> 2  2              01/01/2003    2101
> 3  3              01/01/2003    3101
> 4  1              02/01/2003    1102
> 5  2              02/01/2003    2102
> 6  1              03/01/2003    1103
> 7  3              03/01/2003    3103
> 8  2              04/01/2003    2104
> 9  4              04/01/2003    4104
> And i would like to create a monthly withdrawals report as follows:
> Machine   Day1  Day2  Day3  Day4
> .............................................. Day31 1             11     
> 12      13       0                                                      0 2
>             21      22      0        24                                    
>                 0 3             31      0        33       0                
>                                      0 4              0        0       0   
>      0                                                     0
> Can you please help?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Ali
> <help yourself by helping others>

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