Sorry to be slow on responses... Thanks to everyone who replies.

On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Richard Huxton wrote:

> On Wednesday 30 July 2003 21:07, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
> > I fully admit that I've been staring at this too long, and simply don't
> > understand what is wrong. Apologies aside, any kind sql hackers who care
> > to look this over will earn my undying gratitude, and a beer in the bar
> > of your choice, should we ever meet.
> I'll take that beer (assuming I'm right)

I think you nailed it first. You appear to be in London, which I haven't
made it to in ~15 years, and mailing it is probably a bad idea. Ever
make it to the NYC area?
> > I appear to be getting a cartesean product when I select against the view
> > 'addenda', when I want a left inner join. That is, I want documents
> > records matched to addenda records only when there is a record in
> > d_addenda  with a documents_id that matches the id field in documents.
> I think this is the "adding a table into the FROM" feature of PG. You're 
> referring to in the select and in the FROM. PG tries to 
> help out by adding the table into the FROM for you - hence cartesian join.
> I think you can turn this "feature" off in the config file in 7.3.x (haven't 
> checked this though)

This was exactly it. Thanks for the help, this was really making me


Jamie Lawrence                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
anger, bargaining, depression, and, finally, acceptance

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