I am obviuously doing some newbie trick, and I ordinarily would spend time browing the 
archives, but the archives.postgresql.org site seems to be absurdly slow.

This is 7.3.3 on a linux box.

I have a bunch of data with state, city, county and country names. When our 
application does a search for an exact match:

select * from gx_geotowns where l_state = 'NM';
  I get back a lot of rows of cities in New Mexico, as expected.

If I try:

select * from gx_geotowns where upper(l_state) = upper('nm');

I get back:
(0 rows)

I've used other databases in which a similar statement worked as exepected:
select * from clients
 where upper(client_name) = upper("Some client or otheR");

And it finds the row(s) in question ...

I just know I'm overlooking some real obvious thing but for some reason this eludes 
me. I could see if the search was very slow (the function returns type "text" and the 
indexed columns are of type CHAR().

If someone could offer help I would appreciate it,


Greg Williamson
DBA GlobeXplorer LLC

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