date tran gl amt 08/20/03 1001 3010 -30.00 08/20/03 1001 1030 -300.00 08/20/03 1001 1060 +330.00 08/20/03 1002 transaction ... and I need to convert to:
date glcr gldb amt 08/20/03 1060 3010 30.00 08/20/03 1060 1030 300.00
in other words, the negative gl's go into gldb and they make up the total for the positive gl.
is there a way to accomplish this in postgresql? or should I implement it inside the java app?
There's no simple way to do this in Postgres. You could do it with a PL/pgSQL table function, or for better performance a C function. There are a couple of questions yet to be answered though:
1) Can there ever be more than one credit account, e.g. -30, -300, +150,
2) What happens if sum(neg values) != sum(pos values)? Throw an error?
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster