can anyone recommend a good reference source for doing recursive sql on
postgresql? i want to do something similar to a BOM expansion. (i.e. i need
to traverse a self-referencing table that stores a tree structure and answer
a question like "Get me A and all of A's descendents")


Floyd Shackelford
4 Peaks Technology Group, Inc.
VOICE: 334.735.9428
FAX:   702.995.6462
ICQ #: 161371538
PGP Key ID: 0x2E84F2F2
PGP Fone at on request

Shackelford Motto: ACTA NON VERBA - Actions, not words

Alabama StateMotto: AUDEMUS JURA NOSTRA DEFENDERE - We Dare Defend Our

The Philosophy of Liberty:

"We have allowed our constitutional republic to deteriorate into a virtually
unchecked direct democracy. Today's political process is nothing more than a
street fight between various groups seeking to vote themselves other
people's money. Individual voters tend to support the candidate that
promises them the most federal loot in whatever form, rather than the
candidate who will uphold the rule of law." --Rep. Ron Paul

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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