Dear all,
I Have This table
Table Billing:
        id       trx_date       trx_time     depart       payment_method    billing_amount    amount_paid     balance       creator
         1      10/09/2003  21:55:02   Resto        Visa                           13.800,00                 10.000,00       3.800,00       middink
Table Payment
        id r   trx_date        trx_time        descriptions   payment_method   amount      creator
         1     10/08/2003  18:17:40      Payment          Cash                         2.000,00     middink
I would like to create "View " from above table with result look like:
         trx_date       trx_time     descriptions                                                             payment_method   debet               credit             balance         creator
         10/09/2003  21:55:02   Resto  Billing  13.800,00 Paid: 10.000,00         Visa                          3.800,00                               3.800,00         middink
         10/08/2003  18:17:40    Payment                                                                  Cash                                                2.000,00       1.800,00          middink
How can I create View like above?

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