
Thanks for the several replies both on and off the list. 

To be more specific, I am wanting to aggregate data to a 5/10/15 min
interval. Currently, I am aggregating data that falls in hour / day /
month / year periods for both count() and sum(). The sql I am currently
using is:

SELECT count(id) AS count, sum(conn_bytes) AS
    sum, hisec_port, conn_protocol,
    date_trunc('hour'::text, datetime) AS date_trunc
FROM trafficlogs
WHERE (conn_outbound = false)
GROUP BY date_trunc('hour'::text, datetime),
    conn_protocol, hisec_port
HAVING (count(*) = ANY (
    SELECT count(*) AS count
    FROM trafficlogs
    GROUP BY hisec_port, date_trunc('hour'::text, datetime)
    ORDER BY count(*) DESC)

Which produces:

count sum  hisec_portconn_protocol date_trunc
12    192  5,050                   2003/09/17 00:00:00
11    176  5,050                   2003/09/17 01:00:00
12    192  5,050                   2003/09/17 02:00:00
11    176  5,050                   2003/09/17 03:00:00
10    160  5,050                   2003/09/17 04:00:00

- if you know of a more efficient way to do this than the sql above, pls
let me know

In my previous post I should have said I wanted to aggregating data in
5/10/15 min intervals in a similar manner to the above

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