Sai Hertz And Control Systems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> What is the mathematical operation that "antilog" is supposed to perform?

> Its going to calculate rate of intrest  for an fixed deposit ,

This is not a mathematical operation, it is a financial issue
that has to conform to rules developed long ago by bankers.
The closest thing that PG offers is 10^x, but

regression=# select 10^(3.3234);
(1 row)

which is not real close to the 2144 that you say you want.  The
difference must be due to compounding rules, and perhaps also
accumulated roundoff in the monetary amounts.  I think you will
need to write a little function (in plpgsql or your language of
choice) that performs the sequence of compounding steps, if you
want to get an answer that a banker will like.

                        regards, tom lane

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