Michael Glaesemann wrote:

On Dec 30, 2003, at 10:05 AM, beyaRecords - The home Urban music wrote:

can anyone recommend a good editor for postgreSQl wich wil enable me to create functions/stored procedures?
I am currently running version 7.4.1 on OS X 10.3

If you're looking for an editor to write arbitrary SQL and support color syntax highlighting, you probably can't go wrong with BBEdit. You can get the ANSI SQL glossary for highlighting, and although it won't pick up PostgreSQL-specific extensions to SQL, it will highlight the majority of the syntax. Also has great grep (including savable search patterns), Applescript, FTP, CVS, and shell script support, if those things interest you. I write most of my SQL in it before feeding the file to psql or just copying and pasting the commands into phppgadmin or psql directly.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

I would vote for emacs/vim if you only want simple stuff such as color syntax highlighting. :) And with some emacs extension, you probably can do much cooler stuff with it too.


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