O kyrios [EMAIL PROTECTED] egrapse stis Jan 29, 2004 :

> Hi All
> I am having the torque3.1.jar and postgresql-7.4. I have compiled the new
> jdbc driver called as postgresql.jar and have placed it in the lib
> directory from where the ant scripts catch the jars. Whenever i try to
> access through torque
> gestList = BaseGestlistPeer.doSelect(new Criteria());
> this error arises
> java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 23
>         at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:460)
>         at org.postgresql.jdbc2.ResultSet.toTimestamp(ResultSet.java:1653)
>         at org.postgresql.jdbc2.ResultSet.getTimestamp(ResultSet.java:398)

Just from the above, some one could conclude you are running
a 7.2.x postgresql driver.

Make sure you havent messed up with the CLASSPATH.
Also after ensuring your 7.4.1 postgresql.jar is in the right location,
make sure you are running a 7.4.1 backend.

> I have searched all the lists and the answer i got is a jdbc driver issue.
> Please let me know what i need to for getting around with this problem.
> This happens only with this method in the whole application. But the same
> method works when i did not use the new torque 3.1 and everything happens
> smoothly.Please let me know if there is a way to configure jdbc with
> torque or any other configuration issue for postgres you know might have
> been creating this problem. I am having one heck of a night mare wid this
> issue.
> thanks
> --Mohan
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