"Luis P Caamano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've researched the recent discussions about statement_timeout
> and NOWAIT and I'd like to confirm my understanding of the
> situation before acting on it.  Please let me know if the
> following statements are true:

> - LOCK TABLE ... NOWAIT has been checked in and will be available
>   in 7.5


> - SELECT ... FOR UPDATE NOWAIT is in the TODO list (among other
>   NOWAIT commands) but it will also be available in 7.5

I haven't seen anyone working on that.

> - Using "SET LOCAL statement_timeout=xxx" can be used before
>   "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" to emulate NOWAIT when the select
>   is simple and involves a relatively small number of rows.

Yes, if you are sure you know how long the select "ought" to take.

> - The error raised by statement_timeout and NOWAIT will be the
>   same.

Wouldn't expect so.  (Right now, I think statement_timeout reports
the same error code as query cancel, which is pretty bogus also.)

                        regards, tom lane

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