Please, how can I rewrite the rule below so that it works as intended for this

   update v set ad=0, bd=0 where ad=1;

As it is now, this will change ad but not bd, presumably because when the
rule's first action has updated ad, the "where ad=1" returns 0 rows for the
second action.

I want this because that is the way MS Access puts data into updates' where
clauses and I want updateable forms on joined tables.

   create table a (k integer primary key, ad integer);
   create table b (k integer primary key, bd integer);
   create view v as select a.k, ad, bd from a join b on a.k=b.k;
   create rule r as on update to v do instead
      update a set where k=old.k;
      update b set where k=old.k;

   insert into a values(1,1);
   insert into a values(2,2);
   insert into b values(1,1);
   insert into b values(2,2);

Thank you -- Cornelius

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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