Am Freitag, 23. April 2004 10:43 schrieb Denis P Gohel:
> Is there a data dictionary in Postgres from where i can get the info about
> locked rows of any table ? If possible the value of those locked record ?

No, this information is not available for end users.

> I have an ODBC application working on Postgres. There are Master child
> tables. I want, if a user A is editing any document ( one master and set of
> child records) in front-end application, the same should not be available
> to other user for editing.
> I thought of using SELECT FOR UPDATE. But, in my case, i need to display
> the name of application user and other details about the locked row.

Keeping in mind that long-running transactions are not a good idea anyway, you 
should probably consider a user-space cooperative locking model.  There is 
something in contrib/userlock, but I'm not sure whether that fits what you 

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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