Hi All,

I'm trying to do something which seems really simple to me. (Postgres 7.3.4)

I've got this table:

charter_dev2=# \d rcourseinfo
Table "public.rcourseinfo"
Column | Type | Modifiers
courseid | integer | not null default nextval('rcourseinfo_seq'::text)
coursename | character varying(50) |
dept | character varying(30) |
number | character varying(4) |
section | character varying(2) |
trimester | character varying(5) |
schoolyear | character varying(8) |
facultyid | integer |
description | text |
credits | real |
Indexes: rcourseinfo_pkey primary key btree (courseid),
rcourseinfo_number_index btree (number)

With a primary key called 'courseid'.

I've got a second table:

charter_dev2=# \d coursesevaluations
Table "public.coursesevaluations"
Column | Type | Modifiers
courseid | integer |
evalid | integer |
coursesevaluations_id | integer | not null default nextval('coursesevaluations_seq'::text)
Indexes: coursesevaluations_pkey primary key btree (coursesevaluations_id),
coursesevaluations_evalid_index btree (evalid)

I'd like to make 'courseid' in this second table a foreign key, referencing 'courseid' in the first table. So I did this command:

charter_dev2=# ALTER TABLE coursesevaluations ADD CONSTRAINT rc_ce FOREIGN KEY (courseid) REFERENCES rcourseinfo (courseid);

And I get this result:

NOTICE: ALTER TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
ERROR: rc_ce referential integrity violation - key referenced from coursesevaluations not found in rcourseinfo

This doesn't make any sense to me - the fields are named the same, and are the same data type. I've pored over the docs, to no avail. I'm sure I'm missing something really elementary, but it's escaping me.

I did try the following (because the error said "key referenced"):
ALTER TABLE coursesevaluations ADD CONSTRAINT rc_ce FOREIGN KEY (courseid) REFERENCES rcourseinfo (rcourseinfo_pkey);

I got the error :
ERROR: ALTER TABLE: column "rcourseinfo_pkey" referenced in foreign key constraint does not exist


Thanks for any advice.

Michelle Murrain
mmurrain at dbdes dot com
413-222-6350 ph
617-889-0929 ph
952-674-7253 fax <--- new
AIM:pearlbear0 ICQ:129250575
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