I give up.. what don't I understand about casting and
ints and text..  

i have a table jobinfo with:

acode text,
jobnumber text default
jobtitle text

I have about 3000 rows starting with jobnumber = 1000.

SELECT jobnumber, jobtitle FROM jobinfo WHERE
jobnumber >= 999 ORDER BY jobnumber ASC;

The above SQL produces no rows. however...

SELECT jobnumber, jobtitle FROM jobinfo WHERE
jobnumber >= 200 ORDER BY jobnumber ASC;

produces rows with jobnumber >= 2000

if I change the query with jobnumber >= 201, I get
rows >= 2010.

it is as if there was a silent zero being appended to
the end of my int in the query. What am I missing,

select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.4.2 on powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0,
compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.3 20030304 (Apple
Computer, Inc. build 1495)
(1 row)


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