Hi All,

I am relative PostGres newbie, so if there is a simple answer to this
question, please feel free to send me a link or explaination.

I am running Postgres 7.3 on a intel Linux Redhat 7.3 base.  

I am getting two errors which are a bit confounding.

ERROR:  pg_class_aclcheck:relation 474653086 not found

on one table within a large SQL file update (+5000 lines with
documentation) that needs to be run from the command line.

Both statements are multiline Update statements.  This is straight
SQL, not function code.
Now I can guareentee that the queries refer to an existing table, but
the table is being rebuilt in the core of the long SQL update.

The table in question now has all permissions (my attempt to get
fixed, but that did not help).

Interesting aspect to this problem is that if your run the large
update in one file, and then run the two update statements in a second
file it works fine.
Now I placed the erroring statements at the end of the large file to
make sure it was not a ordering error, but that didnt help.

Any ideas?
Thank you 
Thomas Seeber

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