Theo Galanakis wrote:
Does anyone know how to perform a cross-tab query in ONE SQL without having
to write a SP? The SQL at the end of this email attempts to display the
subquery result-set in a cross-tab format, it does not group the content
onto one row as it should in the sample below. SQL is below if it makes any
sense, however the sub-query returns data as below.


Name    Value
ID      1
Cola    10
Colb    20
Colc    30
Cold    40
Cole    50

I want to output as:

ID, cola, colb, colb, cold, cole
1       10      30      30      40      50

Actual Output:

 content_object_id | xpos | ypos |       text        | textangle |  texttype
|     symbol     | linktype
            100473 | 93   |      |                   |           |
            100473 |      | 77   |                   |           |
            100473 |      |      | text1            |           |

Don't forget the provided crosstab functions (in contrib/). If you don't want that, you could aggregate your results:

SELECT content_object_id, MAX(xpos), MAX(ypos), ...
<your query here>
) AS raw
GROUP BY content_object_id;

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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