Off the top of my head:

psql -c "select .... into dump_table from old_table .... ;" database
pg_dump -t dump_table -f dump_table.tmp database
sed -e "s/dump_table/table_name/g" dump_table.tmp >table_name.sql
rm dump_table.tmp

You should now have a file called table_name.sql with the stuff 
required to create a new table called table_name with the data 
from your query.

On Thu, 2004-23-12 at 20:44 -0800, william lim wrote: 
> how to save sql result to a text file in database-backup format?
> I want to backup a portion of data from my query to files and can do restore 
> from them.
> Thanks
> William
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TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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