On Thu, 3 Mar 2005, Thomas Mueller wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have a simple database:
> CREATE TABLE pwd_description (
>    id SERIAL                NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY,
>    name varchar(50)         NOT NULL
> );
> CREATE TABLE pwd_name (
>    id SERIAL                NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY,
>    description integer      NOT NULL REFERENCES pwd_description(id),
>    name varchar(50)         NOT NULL,
>    added timestamp          DEFAULT now()
> );
> CREATE TABLE pwd_name_rev (
>    id SERIAL                NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY,
>    description integer      NOT NULL REFERENCES pwd_description(id),
>    rev_of integer           NOT NULL REFERENCES pwd_name(id) ON DELETE
>    name varchar(50)         NOT NULL
> );
> The indexes shouldn't matter I think.
> pwd_name_rev is filled by a stored procedure and a trigger (ON INSERT)
> when something is inserted to pwd_name. Both tables contain about
> 4.500.000 emtries each.
> I stopped 'delete from pwd_name where description=1' after about 8 hours
> (!). The query should delete about 500.000 records.
> Then I tried 'delete from pwd_name_rev where description=1' - this took
> 23 seconds (!).
> Then I retried the delete on pwd_name but it's running for 6 hours now.
> I use PostgreSQL 7.4.7 on Linux 2.6.10. The machine is a Celeron 2 GHz
> with 512 MB RAM.
> PostgreSQL should do a full table scan I think, get all records with
> description=1 and remove them - I don't understand what's happening for
>  >8 hours.

It's going to remove rows in pwd_name_rev based on the rev_of not
description (and you really should make sure to have an index on rev_of).
Without being able to see triggers and rules on the tables, I can't tell
if it's even legal to remove the rows with description=1 from
pwd_name_rev, but it isn't with just the constraints defined above.

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