On Wednesday 23 March 2005 5:26 pm, you wrote:
> On Friday 18 March 2005 7:54 pm, you wrote:
> > > My question is what's the best way to swap settings between the
> > > two computer records and swap any software installed?  Ideally
> > > I'd like it in the form of a function where I can pass the two
> > > p_id's and return a boolean reflecting success (true) or fail
> > > (false).
> >
> >     I'd say something like that (generic table names) :
> >
> > If you're confident :
> > UPDATE stuff SET owner = (CASE IF owner='A' THEN 'B' ELSE 'A' END)
> > WHERE owner IN ('A','B')
> >
> > If you're paranoid :
> > UPDATE stuff SET owner = (CASE IF owner='A' THEN 'B' ELSE IF
> > owner='B' THEN 'A' ELSE owner END) WHERE owner IN ('A','B')
> Hello again.
> I've tried the first one but get a syntax error. Anyone see why?
> hardware=# update pieces set p_owner = (case if p_owner = 305 then
> 724 else 305 end) where p_owner in (305, 724);
> ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "p_owner"
> hardware=#

Sorted it.  The 'IF' should be 'WHEN'
Gary Stainburn
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