> Hi,
> I have a java app that uses hibernate to do queries.
> One query on a 6.5 millions records takes about 15 seconds while the
> same one (take from the sql that shows in the consol - I configured
> hibernate to show_sql) takes about 50 ms when done with pgadmin3.

We could answer better with explain output.  Something like:

prepare foo(int) as select notevalue0_.id
 as id, notevalue0_.value_note as value2_3_, notevalue0_.actif as
 actif3_, notevalue0_.id_note as id4_3_, notevalue0_.id_field_name as
 id5_3_ from note.note_value notevalue0_ where notevalue0_.id_note=$1 and

explain analyze execute foo(<put a representative value here>);

As an initial guess, I'd wonder if it's guessing that for an arbitrary
id_note value that it should do a sequence scan.  Are there a large number
of very common id_note values that might be throwing it off?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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