I have a 'big' problem:
I am trying to run from a procedure a function witch generate a new document number (max from table +1 ) and after to insert a document with this number, but the function returns me the same number each time because the tranzaction is not finished and the inserts are not commited and of course the next document number is the same.

for ...
insert into table values (nr,...)
end loop

error inserting in table .. primary_key nr .....

Is any way in making the external function to 'know' that I inserted another row but this insert is in a tranzaction that is not finish yet ? ar onother solution ?

for now I 'solved' by asking for a nr once and generate myself next number (+1) but this is not a correct solution (in this time somebody else could insert a document with the same nr as the procedure )

thank you,

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