> I believe running count(*) means fulltable scan, and there's no way
> to do it without it. But what about some "intermediate" table, with
> the necessary counts?

There's a fairly complete discussion in the PG list archives of a
reasonably-efficient scheme for maintaining such counts via triggers.
It wasn't efficient enough that we were willing to impose the overhead
on every application ... but if you really NEED a fast count(*) you
could implement it.  I'd like to see someone actually do it and put
up working code on pgfoundry; AFAIK it's only a paper design so far.

If you only want a very-approximate count, the best bet is to rely on
the planner's estimates, eg

regression=# explain select * from tenk1;
                         QUERY PLAN                          
 Seq Scan on tenk1  (cost=0.00..458.00 rows=10000 width=244)

Current best practice is to run the explain and parse out the "rows"
figure using a perl (or axe-of-choice) regexp, though we could be
persuaded to supply a simpler API if there's enough demand for it.

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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